Splish, splash, bang, bang: Stunning photographs reveal beauty of shooting handgun UNDERWATER


Glock 22: The gun expert has posted a series of images, as well as a video, to his blog Vuurwapen to show the different effect each gun has in his swimming pool

Firearm aficionado Andrew Tuohy has filmed himself firing a range of weapons, but never before underwater.
The gun expert has posted a series of images, as well as a video, to his blog Vuurwapen to show the different effect each gun has in his swimming pool.
After being triggered, a tornado forms at the end of the gun for a few short seconds before the bullet sinks down to the bottom and surrounding bubbles float to the surface.

Splash: Firearm aficionado Andrew Tuohy has filmed himself firing a range of weapons, but never before underwater. The pistol pictured is a Kimber 1911 firing Federal HST 230gr hollow points

Tornado: After being triggered, a tornado forms at the end of the gun for a few short seconds before the bullet sinks down to the bottom and surrounding bubbles float to the surface. This is a 230gr HST leaving the Kimber 1911

Mr Tuohy took his .40 Glock 22 into his swimming pool and fired.
He recorded the effects with his Pentax Optio WG-2 waterproof compact camera, which can record 120 frames per second.
The firearm was not damaged during the video, but Mr Tuohy said the kickback was strong.
More than 30,000 people have viewed it on YouTube.

Don't Try This At Home: Mr Tuohy took his .40 Glock 22 into his swimming pool and fired

Ouch: The firearm was not damaged during the video, but Mr Tuohy said the kickback was strong

Glock: The video has more than 30,000 views

But Mr Tuohy isn't just firing the guns for fun, he collects the bullets to make 'tactical flowers' for his mother.
The resistance of the water causes the bullet to expand in perfect formation, creating beautiful lead blossoms.
'As pretty as this stuff is to look at, it is also painful - I have plenty of scars from being sliced and poked by metal objects, but holding those bullets in my hand almost made me shiver,' he said.
'I would definitely not want to get shot by any of that stuff.'

The Good Son: But Mr Tuohy isn't just firing the guns for fun, he collects the bullets to make 'tactical flowers' for his mother. Clockwise from top left, blue topaz in .45 HST 230gr, African sapphire in 9mm HST 147gr, tsavorite in .40 HST 165gr, peridot in 9mm HST 147gr, pink sapphire in .38 Special 110gr DPX.

Wow: This shot shows him firing a .45 Kimber 1911

Mother: He also soldered the 'flowers' onto some 'stems' to complete the effect

He experiments with different bullets and guns to create different effects, claiming the results possessed an 'evil beauty.'
He also soldered the 'flowers' onto some 'stems' to complete the effect.
An avid gemstone collector, he then added precious stones to the center of the bullets, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

source: dailymail


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